Laughing Gas Press Release 3/29/2008
Laughing Gas Celebrates "The Laughter is Coming, The Laughter is Coming"
April 18th-19th
The Laughing Gas Comedy Improv Theatre Company celebrates the start of the American Revolution in honor of the Midnight Ride of Paul Revere that happened on the night of April 18th and day of April 19th in 1775. "The Laughter is Coming, The Laughter is Coming" shows on Friday and Saturday nights (April 18th-19th) at the Main Street Playhouse (6766 Main Street, Miami Lakes) start at 11pm will remember this historic event that led to the freedoms that allow comedy shows such as these to exist.
"I went to Paul Revere Middle School," says Laughing Gas cast member Todd Rice. "Finally I get some revenge. After all, Israel Bissel rode all the way to Philly. Who wouldn't prefer a good Philly cheesesteak to hanging out in Lexington any day of the week. Have you ever been there?"
Audience members will enjoy and participate in Laughing Gas classic pieces and may see some new ones such as William Wadsworth Shortfellow and the Boston Tea Party.
"We have a long history of comedy that brings laughter and educates at the same time," according to Gerald Owens, the Director for Laughing Gas. "Nothing is more misunderstood than the midnight ride of Paul Revere."
Laughing Gas continues its tradition of socially relevant comedy using the events of the day as a guide for their topical humor.
Laughing Gas is South Florida's longest-running professional improv theater company and can be seen on Friday and Saturday nights at the Main Street Playhouse, located at 6766 Main Street in Miami Lakes. Curtain time is 11:00 PM, and admission is $10. There is never an age restriction or a drink minimum. For reservations, call . Visit the home page at LaughingGasImprov.com.
For additional information or to arrange an interview,
you can see our more general release, you may contact
Gerald Owens at , or him.
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for Reservations